Sunday, July 27, 2008 You were my idol.You still are. I'll always remember a great senior like you. We'll miss you dearly. Rest In Peace, Senior XZ. Now that you're gone You've done everything You've been taken away Oh I guess you've earned your wings We're all gathered here In this memory of you This is one of those things We're sad but honored to do You were always there for everybody You brought your bright rays of light to those cloudy days You were an inspiration for everybody Oh how we wish that you could stay Now that you're gone Oh you've done everything You've been taken away I know you've earned those wings Now and through all the years And through the lessons that we've learned We look upon you as so much more Than a friend We miss you so much We're all at a loss We're here just thinkin' about you Oh it's we that pay the cost The memories are strong Oh it hurts to live this song The hardest part about this Is livin' without you You were always there for everybody You brought the bright rays of light to the cloudy days You were an inspiration for everybody Oh how we wish that you could stay Now that you're gone You've done everything You've been taken away God knows you've earned your wings
Saturday, July 26, 2008 我真的好想念好想念学生军。
Saturday, July 19, 2008 three and a half years, gone just like this. i really miss those days.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 有一种想见不能见的伤痛有一种爱还埋藏在我心中 我只能把你放在我的心中 这一种想见不能见的伤痛 让我对你的思念越来越浓 我却只能把你把你放在我心中 sounds gay, but that's how i feel about NCC now.
Saturday, July 12, 2008 We were but strangers,every single one of us. We were but strangers, placed together from the start. We were but strangers, and no matter who we are. We were but strangers, in the shadows that we cast. You are my best friends, i take you as my flesh and blood. You are my best friends, we've been through rain and mud. Take care my best friends, as Cadets we are born to be. Take care my best friends, i'm proud to be in your company. So come today my friends, we are one as we were meant. And come today my friends, united we all stand. But gone today my friends, we know that we shall all part. But gone today my friends, you're forever in my heart. For every single one of us, has served 4 years until she's done. And every single breath she takes, comes a bond which cannot break. We've been through lightning, rain and sun. Now we're back to where we first begun. Through wall of fire we once run, forget you friends, you know i cant. Through the years, we have realised why we fought those battles deep inside. Let the world hear our stories that we wrote with pride and glory. Forget you friends, you know i cant.
yeahyeah my 60/70 compo! 谅解 我还记得那是一个既寒冷又阴暗的冬天. 在四个小时的车程后,父亲与我终于抵达感化院.他牵强的幽默始终无法消除我心中那股难以名状的不安情绪.我并不相信大哥会改过自新,也在以自我催眠 -- 任何样貌上的改变不一定是真实的. 多日不见,感觉有点像在重新认识大哥一样.这两天里,我们之间存在着一种难有的平静.第一次,我在他身边不是紧张兮兮的.第一次,我不会担心他会做出什么惊人举动.第一次,我不会害怕他的下一句话.我仿佛终于可以把大哥当成知己.话虽如此,我对自己的想法仍就带了一点保留,深怕一切只是一种假相. 在感化院里,吃饭时间并没有那么单纯.每张桌子的一旁都会有两个负责人,向我们说明大哥他们平时在院里的表现.父亲说过,一顿饭通常会长达一个多小时,大家都会针对每一个成员进行彻底的讨论.我知道,我一定无法好好地吃这顿饭. 几个表现不佳的成员首先被叫了上来,但一个叫恩的男孩深深的撼动我的心.他是感化院的新成员,也显然还不适应院里的生活.他长得眉清目秀,大约十六岁.父亲小声地告诉我,恩是一名出色的足球员,将来在运动领域一定大有作为.当院长在对他进行严厉的盘问时,恩的神情显得极度不耐烦,眼神四处张望着. 就在这时,我从眼角留意到了一位男士.他站在门外,望着恩,一语不发的.当我知道那是恩的父亲想看看儿子一眼时,泪水早已落下了. "恩为什么会来这里?"我悄悄地问坐在身旁的父亲. "就和这里的人差不多吧,吸毒,打架之类的.他还拿过自己的奖杯砸父亲的头.国家队曾邀请他入队,他应该表现不俗." 恩忽然看着眼前的墙,然后冷冷地宣布他不想见他那开车数小时只为了见儿子一面的父亲. 一阵沉默. 然后一个负责任开口了."恩,我和你父亲谈过了.他说他把你的小狗带来了,因为他知道你一定很想念它.他可以接受你不愿意见他的事实,但他希望你知道你可以看看你的小狗." 我的内心正在呐喊着,我多么想站起来告诉恩他的父亲是如此地深爱着他,甚至爱得有勇气做出如此痛苦的抉择 -- 把儿子送入感化院.我多么想把他骂醒,但我知道这是他必须自己慢慢领悟的事.于是我愣着,让那排山倒海般的哀愁向乌云一样静静地将我笼罩. 那天下午,我和父亲离开了感化院.我知道大哥正在与我们挥别,但我无法回头看他.我为这些感化院的成员感到无止境的感慨和无助,他们都只是在生命的旅程上不小心迷失了方向的孩子们.我内疚,我无法与大哥承担一切,也无法完全的体谅他的感受. 数月后,我和全家人一起再度来到感化院.那天,天气特别晴朗,空气格外清新.我闭上双眼,抬起头来面对着太阳,笑了.这是一年多以来,我们全家第一次团聚.而且正逢家人探访日,到处都可以看到骄傲的父母和笑容灿烂的孩子们.我感受到的不再是这些孩子们生命的黑暗,而是包围着这些孩子们的无限的爱与支持.在这一年里,我一直不相信大哥有可能正常地步入社会.现在,希望的种子正在我心里慢慢地发芽. 在我眼前是一片我见过最美的风景. 恩与父亲肩并着肩,走着,谈着,笑着.一直已经长大了的黄金猎犬紧紧地跟在他们身后. hahaha i guess that's enough for now.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008 and so today there's schooli still happened to meet some of the Part Bs (no more of calling them MY Part Bs) everytime i see them it just feels so sighs i cant describe the feeling it's so sad that i have such pathetically limited vocabulary i cant tell exactly how i'm feeling everything feels so damn surreal i feel like i can just wake up and pretend that everything was a dream but deep down i know it's all happening i know time can never turn back i know that one day i will stop crying i know that eventually i will just fade out of some people's lives i know that some things are forever changed i know that i just have to say goobye i know that my time is over i know that even if i come back i cant do anything anymore and i know that i do really miss all fourteen of the Part Bs '08 every single one of them.
Monday, July 07, 2008 I still cant believe thatthree and a half years passed. Just like that. It tears up my heart. And it really hurts.
Sunday, July 06, 2008 I dislike ORD because I have to leave the unit.I dislike ORD because it makes me cry. I dislike ORD because my Cadets has become someone else's Cadets. I dislike ORD because we still have alot of fun times to be shared. I dislike ORD because i still have alot to say. I dislike ORD because no one can ever call me Staff Corrine again. I dislike ORD because I have to part with my yellow lanyard forever. I dislike ORD because I cant wear my no.4 anymore. I dislike ORD because i cant put on my nice nice badges anymore. I dislike ORD because I dont know if I should still wear my collar pin. I dislike ORD because I cant get to see my platoonmates on a weekly basis. I dislike ORD because things are never the same again. I dislike ORD because it marks the start of a brand new life.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 #editted.3RD JULY 2008, MARKS THE END OF MY NCC LIFE. OFFICIAL RETIREMENT DAY. A senior once told us that we would find our best friend in NCC. We didnt believe it. We didnt even understand it. Three and a half years ago, I joined the National Cadet Corps. Without even knowing what NCC was, standing a head shorter than my current height, and being slightly underweight. I even got a Bronze award for my NAPFA. I wasnt the ideal Part A Cadet that NCOs want. We were warmly "welcomed" by Ma'ams Eileen and Wenting who taught us what KID was on our first training - Knock It Down, to be exact. I was horrified by the push ups, and by them. It was them, however, who made me learn what endurance and determination really meant. I couldnt master push ups, and I couldnt perfect my drills, but it doesnt matter. I learnt values that had never crossed my mind before. I learnt things that can never be taught in a classroom. I learnt how to iron my own uniform. I learnt how to polish my own boots. I learnt how to do drills. I learnt how to shout commands. I even learnt how not to cry my way home and complain to mummy that i just got pumped again. During Part B, I went through Camp FEAST, Civil Defence Course and even Mount Ophir expedition. I was surprised to know that I could actually open a stretcher, carry a fire extinguisher and climb a mountain. It has always been pleasant to realise that each time I try to push myself to the limits, I unleash a bit more of the potential within me. I discover my own strengths and I start to know myself better. I will never forget that particular day when Ma'ams Eileen and Wenting screamed at us. They said a lot of things. They told us that we really suck. That hurts, even till now, but what's worse was the tone of disappointment I could sense in their voices. They were right. We really sucked back then, and I hope they have heard about the Silver award we got for last year's Best Unit Competition. They will be so pleased. I couldnt tell you how sad I was when they had to leave us for their A levels exams. They never came back anymore. It was then that I realised that I really look up to them. Without them, I dont seem to have a goal anymore. I wished we had the chance to say a big thank you and sorry to them. For everything that we've done and have not. Part C was the most interesting year of my NCC life. It has the most ups and downs. It's also the time when our platoon became really cool, fighting to be timers and ICs, trying to show everyone how great a leader we can be. I remember how happy and thrilled I was when I held the first medal that I've ever received. It says NATIONAL CADET CORPS CHALLENGE QUEST 2007 OVERALL CHAMPION. I cherish it so much that I look at it every day. Even till now. I also remember how depressed I was when I didnt get the post that I've worked really hard for. Specialists Course, the camp which bonded our platoon. For the first time, we talked. For the first time, we laughed. For the first time, we told one another about how much we hated each other during Part A and B. For the first time, we had a meal together. Specialists Course was a beautiful memory. It reminds me that all my efforts had paid off. The moment when I held my 2SG rank, nothing else really matters anymore. Specialists Course was also a painful memory. It reminds me that I was once a Best Cadet nominee, but never good enough to get an award. Then 20072007 came. At that time I wasnt too excited when I took over the platoon, Part A '07. After all, it wasnt the post that I wanted. I spent a lot of time feeling resentful at everything. I asked myself what exactly had gone wrong, so wrong that I landed so far away from where I had reached for. Now, I really regretted it. If I had another chance, I would proudly march in front of the platoon and command it. If possible, I would even smile. Being a Platoon Sergeant was not as easy as I had expected. There were times when I felt so demoralised that I wanted to give up. Then I thought of the Ma'ams, the seniors and many others. I thought of the passion that I used to have for NCC. I dont want the game to be over yet. I couldnt remember when the turning point was, but the platoon miraculously improved. In terms of attendance, in terms of drills, in terms of attire, in terms of attitude. They have tranformed, and I'm even starting to like them. I felt that my post wasnt that bad after all. I've also thoroughly enjoyed myself on the one and only gathering we have ever had. Time really flies. Sighs, taking over is never easy, stepping down is tougher. It's now time to say goodbye. I want to sincerely thank the Sirs, Ma'ams, seniors, my platoonmates, my Part Bs '08 and everyone else in the unit. You have made me become who I am today. I hope I've not disappointed anyone with my SSG rank and yellow lanyard. I'm very pleased with the post that I was given. I'm glad that I didnt give up during the times that were almost unbearable. I may not have done a great job, but I've got no regrets because I tried my best. I also want to specially thank the Part Ds '08. You all made me understand what true friends are. I'll miss the times when we squeezed together on the one tiny bed during camps and talk about nothing in particular. I'll miss the times when we proudly held our ranks and ate at pizza hut, not forgetting how much we stank and how noisy we were. I'll miss the times when we had our trash out talks at KFC, it's through these talks that we became more bonded, that we are able to become better leaders. I'll miss the times when we are able to camwhore in no.3 and no.4 at almost anytime, anywhere. I'll never forget the fun times that we've shared. I know after ORD some things can never be the same again, ever. I also know that regardless of what I'll never forget this bunch of wonderful girls who survived through three and a half years of NCC life with me, who taught me how to be a better friend. Lastly, I want to say that I guess the senior was right. I've indeed found my best friends in NCC. and then I took off my no.4 uniform for the last time. 再见了,NCC.
ORD-ed on thursday ): and i dare swear i've never cried so much in front of people before. yeah then we were rushing some last minute touch up stuff here and there after school and hence were late for like half an hour sorry to make everyone wait but because of someone we had no mood to enjoy the videos and stuff but it was not bad though many thanks to all the part c. then then it was ML's and tingxz's speech. stupid ML made leng and i cry larh. haiyo somemore my emo specs literally flooded and my contacts dropped out (okay it doesnt make much sense so i shall elaborated abit on this part LOL. the emo specs are degreeless type one okay.) but nevermind she cried too. then buffet totally no appetite to eat half is because too pissed with that someone another half is because too saddd. yeah then i went into the NCC room help kiat take stuff. after that my mood totally got ruined by this another someone yeah so in just one day two wonderful someone just ruined my mood yeah and the day just had to be my ORD how wonderful. after that was prize presentation the part c were great they gave me a bouquet of lollipop and an envelope (there's something inisde. of course.) and a trophy and a CD. the part b were awesome hey gave a a huge card (which resembles the newspapers) and a nicely wrapped present. i love them "we know you know we know we're cool yoh." LOL that's cute. then had like 5 minutes to say my goodbye and stuff to the part b i was super super super sad larh yeah then some of them cried then i tell story then a couple more cried. then they read the letter even more cried then hug hug time everyone seriously broke down yeah my tears just flowed like nobody's business and it was finally time to step down. so it was pledge taking then hwele stepped down then i stepped down then jasline stepped down then meilin stepped down then yanting stepped down then we marched off and bersurai-ed for the last time. after that took photos with the part b then said byebye and stuff again yeah and for the first time i'm addressed as SENIOR i cant explain how that felt like it's abit.. finally my time is over kinda thing neither really happy nor sad then cabbed to holland village to meet darrel and waihou missed them like crazy then we ate ate ate talk crap read letters then took photos and left. okay i'm making the day sound monotonous. but it was indeed extremely sad. and memorable. next post will be regarding my own reflections and stuff.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Am IJust Who
My name is Corrine and I dont think I really know who I am anymore. This is my blog, and maybe from here you'll find that I'm not exactly like the Corrine you used to think you knew.
I CuddleThings New shoes. New bags. New slippers. New handphone. New clothes. Good grades. Sleep. Food. My bolster. NCCG IS DA LOVEEE!
ParadeRubbish Studying. Hunger. Penniless. Sleepy.
A LineDropped Me
Freestyle Drill Team
ParadeMore Rubbish A SongSang
Hello Kitty, Play with us today.
We'll laugh and sing on this lovely sunny day.
All your friends are waiting for you, ready to run and play.
Everyone will gather round. This is what they'll say:
"When we see your friendly smile, you brighten up our day."
Oh! Hello, Hello Kitty, Hello's your friend.
Your smile is pretty like a flower that's in bloom.
Love is in your heart. It sings a happy tune.
Hello, Hello Kitty. Play with us today.
Angela Blogskin